Welcome to Stockham Primary School
At Stockham Primary School we create a safe and nurturing community for all, where each child regardless of difference, achieves their full potential. We prepare pupils for future life; to become lifelong learners, to develop a thirst for knowledge and to become global citizens equipped for the challenges of the 21st century.
Our school moto is for every child to be
'Soaring High at Stockham.'
In one word our vision means – EVERYTHING!
The Vision
'Stimulating Curiosity, Raising Aspiration and Inspiring Ambition.’
Confident to explore an unknown future.
With children at the heart of all we do we inspire passionate, resilient, independent and confident leaners.
Our core values which underpin our mission.
Under an umbrella statement of ‘Respect for All’ our core learning values are:
Give it a go
Stay focussed
Show resilience
Take responsibility
Think things through
Our core values will run through the school in every way. It will be taught within the curriculum, it will become our way of life, how we act and how we react to the world around us, it is our social, emotional and personal development….it is what defines us as a school and as a family. It is everything.
It enables school colleagues, children, parents and carers to:
“’Be the Best Version of You!”
Aims at Stockham Primary School:
- To prepare children to be the best they can by establishing lifelong learners.
- To create a safe, stimulating and vibrant environment which creates positive attitudes to learning.
- To engender a thirst of learning inspired by quality teaching.
- To support our children in becoming respectful, happy and motivated learners with a belief in themselves.
- To celebrate each child’s uniqueness, individuality, talents and achievements.
- To build strong collaborative partnerships with families and the local community.
- To develop a positive learning culture throughout the school.
- To ensure that all children make progress using our ‘catch up’ and ‘keep up’ strategies.
- To use feedback to identify and close the gap between what they can currently do and what we would like them to be able to do.
- To make the right decisions, for the right reasons and influenced by evidenced based research.
- To provide an inclusive environment for all of our pupils.
- To learn from each other, through the adoption of a collaborative, enquiry based approach to teaching and learning, where good practice is frequently shared.
As part of our constant goal to raise standards, the main focus must be on the classroom where continued and sustained improvement is dependent upon improving the quality of the teaching and learning that is taking place on a daily basis.
At this school, it is our expectation that all pupils are provided with high quality learning experiences that lead to consistently high levels of pupil achievement.
Stockham Primary School is one where:
- Everyone takes care of themselves, each other and our school.
- All children succeed and develop their ability to think independently.
- Our staff and governors go above and beyond expectations.
- Children are actively encouraged to make their own choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.
- Children feel confident to take risks and make mistakes.
- We celebrate achievement, and understand the importance of rules.
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